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How to be more present with your family

Who knew that life could get so busy?  Who knew that we’d find ourselves feeling pulled in so many different directions and creating to-do lists that never seem to end.  This is the world that we are currently living in.

But it doesn’t have to overwhelm you.  It doesn’t have to consume you.

If you’re like me, a working wife and mom who used to feel that she didn’t have enough time to spare, believe me - you, too, can do this!

It’s all about finding the small moments to enjoy - it could be as simple as a snuggle on the couch, a walk down the cul-de-sac, asking a question as simple as “how was school today?” My personal favorite is to visualize setting down my “suitcase” (and actually setting down my phone)  when I walk in the house after work.  This way, I leave all of the unimportant things (or things that can wait) aside and enjoy being with my family.


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